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Health Awareness Training deals with being made aware of diseases such as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Health issues on how to combat Flu, Common Colds, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure as well as the need to exercise and eat healthy.

Deals with the cause of violence that sterns from the use of controlled substance such as Alcohol, Cocaine, Crank, Extacy, Cannibis, along with the Synthetic Cannibis and Over The Counter Prescriptions as well as the cause and effect it has to a person as well as the community.

Adolescence Counseling provides counseling to individual groups and family therapy for teens whether their dealing with teen substance abuse and other related issues such as peer pressure, self esteem, family, relationships

Mentoring invloves helping indivIduals to become Postive, Inspirational, Motivated people and to be Productive citizens in their communities.

"Children are the future. If we don't teach them our mistakes then they will have to learn the hard way".

-Minister McDaniel

Dealing with the pain caused by crimes committed towards innocent people and loved ones and how it affects the community as a whole.

At Your Service.

Health Awareness Training

Violence/Substance Abuse

Victim Impact


We offer the following services to help others become mentally and spiritually connected to God.

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